Bee hive Removal in Toronto is Our Business. Here’s A Few Tips On Avoiding Them
Everyone knows that getting stung by a bee is no laughing matter and a possible serious issue if you’re allergic. That’s one of the reasons why we’re in the business of bee hive removal in Toronto. Before calling an expert, there are also some things you can do on a personal level to avoid attracting these pests.
What You Can Do To Prevent Bee Stings On Your Property
• Don’t look and smell like a flower. The bottom line here is you don’t want bees to bother you, so don’t look and smell like their favourite food. Perfume and most cologne will attract bees who can’t tell it apart from nectar. Brightly coloured clothing has the same effect. People with experience around bees prefer to wear beige and white.
• Watch what you eat outside. The warmer weather is a great time for eating under the sun or stars, but remember these insects like sugary foods as much as you do and will buzz around looking to share a cold drink or fruit pit.
Finally, remember that even something as innocent as mowing your lawn can disturb a bumble bee nest and that’s why taking advantage of our complete pest control services that includes an emergency number is the way to go when you’re looking for bee hive removal in Toronto.