Take Control of Your Home with a Certified House Fly Removal Expert

Consumer Choice Award 2024
Pestend has been awarded the Consumer Choice Award 2024 for our outstanding pest control services. We take pride in our commitment to providing effective pest control solutions and exceptional customer service.

Consumer Choice Award 2023
Pestend has been awarded the Consumer Choice Award 2023 for our outstanding pest control services. We take pride in our commitment to providing effective pest control solutions and exceptional customer service.

8x Homestars Best of Award Winner
We have been recognized as a top-rated pest control company by HomeStars for eight years in a row due to our stellar reputation, outstanding customer service, and positive reviews.

QualityPro Mark of Excellence
By earning this mark of excellence, we ensure our employees not only comply with provincial and federal regulations but consistently exceed them.

QualityPro Food Safety Certification
As one of Canada’s most professional and customer-centric pest management companies, we hold the QualityPro Food Safety certification.
Membership with Prestigious Pest Control Organizations

National Pest Management Association
As members of the National Pest Management Association, we have access to informative technical resources and best practices.

Canadian Pest Management Association
Our up-to-date and standard methods are certified by the Canadian Pest Management Association.

Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario
Our certification from the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario ensures that we comply with health and safety regulations.

Interesting House Fly Facts
Length: | 3-6 mm. |
Color: | Grey with yellowish abdomen. |
Other Features: | Four dark longitudinal stripes on the thorax; red eyes.The female House fly lays her eggs in warm, moist, rotting, high protein organic matter. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots). These pupate after one to two weeks to emerge as adults two or three days later. Under ideal conditions, house flies can complete their entire life cycle in a week. |
The House fly feeds on liquid material and will regurgitate the semi-digested material of its last meal (vomitus) on to the intended food source. This action allows the mouth parts to taste the intended food source and also soften it to a semi-liquid state. This habit of leaving vomitus spots on food sources is the major reason the House fly is an efficient transmitter of more than 30 microbial diseases.
Got fly control and house fly problems? Here’s a few quick tips that work
Disease-causing organisms are the baggage of the common house fly. These especially nasty little pests often land on feces and transport what makes you sick to your food.
That’s why we make Toronto pest control of these flies one of our priorities here at Pestend. While the average homeowner can’t get rid of fly control and house fly problems completely and will need to call us for especially bad infestations, here are a few proactive tips that can make the situation less severe.

Don’t leave any dog waste sitting in the yard. If you’re like many dog owners, you might pick up what Fido leaves behind once a day or maybe even once every few days. While that might not be a problem from the perspective of smell or inconvenience, getting to Rover’s business right away doesn’t attract the attention of flies. That lessens the chances of you running up against the one million bacteria a fly can carry.
A kitchen compost heap is a great idea to do your part for the environment, and adding some sawdust to the mixture keeps these pests away from the moisture that can accumulate. Turning the pile on a regular basis also helps.
Remember if you’ve got an infestation like fly control and house fly problems or other pest control issues in Toronto, we have a free consultation to get right to the heart of the problem.
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Genuine Pest Control Services Reviews
Check out some of our customer reviews to learn more about our pest control services in Toronto.

Our Services
- Ants
- Bald-Faced Hornets
- Bed Bugs
- Boxelder Bug
- Bumble Bees
- Carpet Beetle
- Carpenter Bee
- Centipedes
- Cockroaches
- Earwig
- House Fly
- House Sparrow
- Flea
- Flies
- Lady Bug
- Millipede
- Mites
- Mice
- Moth
- Mosquito
- Norway Rats
- Opossum
- Pigeons
- Powderpost Beetle
- Red Flour Beetle
- Roof Rats
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Starling
- Stink Bug
- Sow Bugs
- Ticks
- Termite
- Wasps & Bees
- Weevil
- Wildlife

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House Fly Removal Services in Toronto
Call us now to speak with one of our experienced House Fly extermination experts.