Take Control of Your Home with a Certified Sow Bugs Removal Expert

Consumer Choice Award 2024
Pestend has been awarded the Consumer Choice Award 2024 for our outstanding pest control services. We take pride in our commitment to providing effective pest control solutions and exceptional customer service.

Consumer Choice Award 2023
Pestend has been awarded the Consumer Choice Award 2023 for our outstanding pest control services. We take pride in our commitment to providing effective pest control solutions and exceptional customer service.

8x Homestars Best of Award Winner
We have been recognized as a top-rated pest control company by HomeStars for eight years in a row due to our stellar reputation, outstanding customer service, and positive reviews.

QualityPro Mark of Excellence
By earning this mark of excellence, we ensure our employees not only comply with provincial and federal regulations but consistently exceed them.

QualityPro Food Safety Certification
As one of Canada’s most professional and customer-centric pest management companies, we hold the QualityPro Food Safety certification.
Membership with Prestigious Pest Control Organizations

National Pest Management Association
As members of the National Pest Management Association, we have access to informative technical resources and best practices.

Canadian Pest Management Association
Our up-to-date and standard methods are certified by the Canadian Pest Management Association.

Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario
Our certification from the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario ensures that we comply with health and safety regulations.

Interesting Facts About Sow Bug
Length: | 3-6mm. |
Colour: | Dark grey. |
Other features: | Yellow hairs at the side of the thorax. |
Sowbugs and Pillbugs are Isopods that resemble little armadillo-like creatures. They are often seen in moist areas of basements, beneath debris, rocks, or boards in gardens. Both are wingless and are related to crustaceans, such as shrimp, crayfish and lobsters. They are not insects.
Sowbugs (sometimes known as woodlice) have two tail-like appendages at the tip of the abdomen. They normally feed on decaying organic matter. However, if their numbers become very large they may damage the roots and leaves of plants.
Pillbugs are similar in appearance to Snowbugs except that Pillbugs roll into a ball when they are disturbed. Their tail-like uropods (last abdominal appendages) are rounded rather than pointed like Sowbugs. They are both normally found in areas where there is an abundance of moisture and are particularly noticeable in years when rainfall is high. They are most active at night and likely to be found under boards, rocks, garbage or decaying vegetation. Dark damp basements are also a preferred hiding spot. They often cluster together to conserve moisture.
Reproduction of these Isopods takes place in the spring. Eggs are carried by the female in a brood pouch on the underside of the body. They hatch in three to seven weeks. Then the young are carried in the brood pouch for another six weeks. Some species have only one brood per year, while others have two. They are inactive during the winter. Some may live as long as three years.

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Genuine Pest Control Services Reviews
Check out some of our customer reviews to learn more about our pest control services in Toronto.

Our Services
- Ants
- Bald-Faced Hornets
- Bed Bugs
- Boxelder Bug
- Bumble Bees
- Carpet Beetle
- Carpenter Bee
- Centipedes
- Cockroaches
- Earwig
- House Fly
- House Sparrow
- Flea
- Flies
- Lady Bug
- Millipede
- Mites
- Mice
- Moth
- Mosquito
- Norway Rats
- Opossum
- Pigeons
- Powderpost Beetle
- Red Flour Beetle
- Roof Rats
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Starling
- Stink Bug
- Sow Bugs
- Ticks
- Termite
- Wasps & Bees
- Weevil
- Wildlife

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Sowbug Removal Services in Toronto
Call us now to speak with one of our experienced Sowbugs extermination experts.